
Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, and at our dental practice in Las Vegas, we offer this innovative treatment. As a trusted dentist, Dr. Palluck will create a custom-made series of aligners specifically for you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic, providing a discreet teeth-straightening solution.

Throughout the treatment, the aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into their desired position, following the precise plan designed by Dr. Palluck. Unlike traditional braces, there are no metal brackets or wires to contend with. Instead, you simply switch to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks until your treatment is complete.

With Invisalign Treatment in Las Vegas, you can achieve a great smile without significant disruption to your daily life. The best part is that most people won't even realize you're straightening your teeth. Experience the transformative benefits of Invisalign® with our dental practice.

How Invisalign® Works

Instead of using brackets and wires to straighten teeth, Invisalign® uses a series of custom-made clear aligners. You wear each aligner for 20 – 22 hours each day for about two weeks before progressing to the next. As you work your way through all of your aligners, your teeth gradually shift into their proper positions.

At your first Invisalign® consultation, we evaluate your candidacy for the treatment and take some images and impressions of your teeth. After Invisalign® fabricates your aligners and sends them back to us, you can begin wearing them. You must visit Somerset Dental Las Vegas periodically throughout your treatment for brief checkups so we can monitor your progress. These appointments usually last just a few minutes.


Benefits Of Invisalign®

Some of the top benefits of Invisalign® include:

The aligners are barely noticeable.

The removable nature of the aligners allows for easy oral hygiene and the ability to eat practically anything.

There are no metal parts to irritate the soft tissues in your mouth.

Invisalign® is made out of patented material that is designed for comfort and precise tooth movements.

On average, Invisalign treatment takes less time than traditional braces.

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